
Thinking about dropping Google cloud console and Google domains and just go back to namecheap, just pay the $80 a year to have them host it and not have to worry about the server's and databases personally...

Anyone else got good recommendations other than namecheap?

  • 2
    Using Namecheap for my domains here as well, they're pretty good! For most of the basic DNS records it's a good choice. I haven't had any experience yet with their hosting though.
  • 1
    @Condor I use to use them all round but decided to swap to google services seeing i use mostly google stuff, keep it in one place and I might like toying with every detail... Not useful and did not enjoy lol
  • 1
    @lxmcf oh, for hosting.. no idea to be honest. I vaguely recall that @linuxxx uses Namecheap too, maybe he could chime in?
  • 0
    Yeah. I use namecheap as well... Maaaany years now... Recommended 👌
  • 2
    @Condor For hosting I use contabo/oneprovider/servdiscount but that's :)
  • 1
    @Observable Tell me more about civo?
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