
I'm not interested, anyone else want this offer?
Here CRORE means 10 Million

  • 3
    Hey congratulations!! Would like to be an angel investor in an upcoming fintech start up?
  • 0
    Damn boy. Time to quit your job. lol.
  • 0
    I love when they try to pass Hotmail or GMail addresses as an official thing.
  • 0
    @Mousey Well, the latter two are basically OSINT:

    - Facebook knows when you aren't home.

    - Investing some XP into Lockpicking really DOES have a good ROI

    BTW, it might well be that this spamming shitbag could get himself into some less than serious offers tonight. Thanks for sharing, I'm sure there's some fellow scambaiters around here<
  • 2
    These guys have started calling also, they will say it's for today only and one time shit......
  • 0
    Reminds me of those spam miss calls I keep on getting, like wtf is this shit, I keep blocking the numbers but there is a new number every couple of days :(
  • 1
    @gitpush If blocking by prefix number isn't your default feature then install a good call manager. Few numbers from front of all these calls are common
  • 1
    @M1sf3t @retard I get calls mostly from Netherlands and Russia ...
  • 0
    "Here CRORE means 10 Million"

    ...so you won "1.7010 Million"?
  • 0
    I wonder if there is a transferral fee 🤔😂
  • 0
    @nathanchere lol :D
    1.70 × 10 Million
  • 2
    Subscribe that fucking phone num to a dozen of spammer services!
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