where do you belong right now?

  • 1
    As a student, only in the light green (What you're good at)
  • 5
    I know that a lot of people hate programming and all, but I love it, and that's why I chose to do it. I would place myself right in the middle
  • 1
    I'm stuck in passion 🙄
  • 1
    We all know about ikigai, but what's your kekkei genkai?
  • 1
    How about this graph is wrongly drawn - there is no red + green without any other colors
  • 0
    @irene same... Thought what's the difference if I'm paid for it? Don't that mean the world needs it?
  • 2
    I like what I do, am reasonably good at it, and could get paid for it (but haven't applied for jobs so far).. and the world apparently still needs it, given how many craptacular, outdated, unstable, poorly configured servers there are out there.

    Sysadmin, ikigai 😁
  • 0
    @irene sometimes that someone even only think they need what they pay for ...
  • 2
    @Mitiko Mom, get the extra dimension!
  • 0
    Well, I love it and I'm getting paid for it. I like to think that I'm also good at it. Not sure about the world though.
  • 0
  • 0
    Satisfaction but feeling of uselessness
  • 0
    I felt I was on the 4 sides outside of ikigai, all of them. Strange...
  • 0
    There's no section for Love && Paid && !Skilled && !Needed

  • 0
    Empty comfort
  • 0
    Comfortable with emptiness 😦
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