  • 1
    Why would their domain name ever point to an ipv6 address then? Also http response codes go that high?
  • 0
    @Conrad it’s a Cloudflare status code
  • 2
    Nice! Don’t know why companies do stuff like that though. It serves only to inhibit the user.
  • 0
    Cloudflare acts as a proxy, it's a reasonable thing to do. I don't see anything wrong with it. If they allowed direct ip address, they would have to own zillions of them, but they can match basing on domain name and everything works.
  • 2
    I've had it once when I tried pointing some unnamed late night site to and resolved it to its domain name by my localhost IP in the hosts file. So I guess that my machine did a direct IP lookup behind the scenes, which triggered it?

    But for a lookup without that kind of custom fuckery, I'd suspect that the server operator didn't set up (the IPv6 version of, assuming that your assessment in that regard is accurate) their server very well.
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