
Got this glow-in-a-dark sticker.
I finally got a real reason to use Nginx

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    On a future laptop
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    @Linux Sorry - How did you get it 🤦‍♂️im quite Bad at explaining things
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    Haha, I was joking :)

    I got it from Nginx, the booth a nextConf London
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    @Linux London?! When was this 😲 Considering I live in Norwich I could have made that event 🤦‍♂️
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    It was for Nutanix users thou
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    @Linux Nice! Whereabouts in London was it?
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    @Linux I recall hearing about there datacenters... the company is Canadian right?
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    I actually dont know where it was, I fell asleep on the way there and did not really bother looking it up because I just wanted beer lol

    Nutanix makes HCI solutions, Kinda cool! They are American I think
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    I got one of those too :) coolest sticker ever
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    Nginx is barely faster than Apache actually.

    All benchmarks between Nginx and Apache compare a newer version on Nginx to Apache 2.2. which is stupid and unproffesional.
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    Yeah , it boils down to personal preference really :)
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    @kenogo lol you are kidding right ? Have you seen the memory footprint of Apache?

    There's a very good and valid reason why out of the box nginx can handle tens of thousands of requests per second and Apache can handle a few hundred at best.

    Go look at some performance comparisons, they are not even in the same ball park
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    @Linux go run the tests yourself. They aren't even in the same ball park.
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    Ive done it, and there is a very small difference. The test is comparing either an old Apache version or Apache MPM.

    Try to run Apache 2.4 prefork instead.
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