
I wonder whether I use software one of you has written, without knowing it (obviously) ..

  • 10
    Not mine because I'm justa student majoring in how to be a dumbass and minoring in how to be a dip shit.
  • 2
    @irene when will it be?
  • 5
    hey @billgates tell them about your great operating system you once wrote. 😉
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    @Stuxnet No public side-projects?
  • 3
    @heyheni If it only was great.. 😅
  • 5
    @wholl0p Lmao I'm 1 CS class deep in my degree

    I had a public project in my web design class but I took it down. But even if it was public, wouldn't show because it revealed a lot about me lol
  • 5
    @heyheni well I can't take all the credit. Most of it was work one I moved to management but yes Windows is still strong.
  • 5
    My only project which got used by some people was my c# documentation generator.

  • 3
    @geaz Wow, I admit, I never used it but that doesn't look like a small project... Nice!
  • 2
    Definitely not mine, I'm an idiot
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    @PrivateGER Everyone was at that stage, I bet you're not :)
  • 1
    @wholl0p I lack the motivation to create anything big, because I have zero self confidence in my code and in showing it to others.
  • 5
    Maybe. I might have a couple lines left in Windows group policy code.
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    I created a hologram projection software, while trying to just get an image to display. The only things usually available are videos and pictures, but I ended up making it dynamic and interactive in Unity.
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    Well, I've made an app called Touch Blocker which can block touches on screen. I once wanted to block screen but couln't find an app that would suit me so I created one

  • 2
    @irene Tried it once, but I didn't play much
  • 2
    @irene Well that's some shitty programming then
  • 3
    I fixed a typo in the devRant desktop client, putting me on the list of contributors 😁 some of you might be using that
  • 1
    @620hun is dev on the still active. I don't think I've seen tahnik, etc on devrant anymore?
  • 1
    probably not anything of mine, unless you do a lot of DS/3DS stuff or came across any of my abandonware (read: stuff I made when I was like 10) projects.
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