The difference between a junior and senior developer is that junior developers will schedule meetings at 1PM forcing everyone to come back from lunch early. Senior developers will move that shit to 2 o'clock.

  • 5
    ...because they know that sharp 1pm is hard to make for most folks...especially if prev meeting just stopped at 12:30....
  • 6
    A good senior dev would avoid meetings stealing dev time :)

    And if you have to, schedule 13:45-14:30 to indicate you are so busy you need to schedule in quarters.
  • 2
    No, senior developers form a temporary slack channel or some such
  • 4
    Friday afternoon.

    Everybody including myself wants weekend....

    So noone will procrastinate - if someone does, group dynamic will give them all the hatred and wreath that's needed to quickly resolve the issue.
  • 1
    Dang!!! That's a Senior-Senior move right there.
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