Web Development !== Computer Science

  • 14
    yeah everybody needs something to feel superior about right?
  • 15
    @heyheni of course! 😁 Shit on everyone who doesn't do exactly what you do. Another good example: Ha-ha, people who use light theme IDEs are inferior!
  • 0
    If I use light-themed vim, am I superior or inferior to other Devs?
  • 1
    So... you copy-pastad the title of a post on Hashnode?
  • 3
    @metamourge inferior, because that's not what I use, obviously 😁
  • 0
    @Elyz "Everyone has their choice, but my choice is superior to everyone else's"
  • 4
    @kamen thatsthejoke.jpg
  • 0
    @Elyz Well.... 🤔

    Jeg synst at det danske språk er et resultat av en hals sykdom og alzheimer. Deres kann ikke uttale vores språk og glømmer å si bokstaver i ordene. Men jeg liker dansker like vell. 😄

    There is a word for that. Chauvinism.
    Wonderful isn't it?
  • 3
    @heyheni if you're a swede and you like Danes, I'm sorry but you're the weird one 🤣
  • 0
    @Elyz I thought it's only the americans who mix up sweden with switzerland. sjovt 😉
  • 2
    @heyheni but the language. That doesn't look anything like German 🤔 though I suppose you could just be someone who learned. My apologies for assuming your nationality.
  • 0
    @Elyz hey! don't apologise i'm just kidding with you. 🙂
    Min mor kommer fra norge.
  • 3
    @heyheni fam. I didn't realise it was Norwegian, I legit thought it was Swedish 😭 I'm revoking my own Scandinavian license, what a disgrace to my people!
  • 1
    @Elyz and that ladies and gentlemen is why chauvinism and nationalism sucks. It ends in tears.

  • 3
    @heyheni 😂😂😂
  • 0
    There are two ways of saying the same thing
  • 0
    Need ++
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