
I'm never committing to finishing another PC game ever again... And sticking to arcade, short games only.

Playing Nu no Kuni 2 for the last 3 days... 25hrs and counting... Now at final boss... I think and I can't get infinite HP in Skirmish... So Keep getting entire force wiped out one hit with his laser beam which keeps getting stronger....

It's like a fly vs us. In order to win it's gotta slowly chip away at u, but he can die at an instant any time...

Oh and the 25hrs includes massive cheating and speed hacking to move faster.

  • 1
    Don't ever buy Rimworld then, it will literally ruin your life.
  • 0
    Apparently I used the wing cheat table. This one had god mode... And a damage multiple... Pretty much instant kill...

    So that means 20hrs was wasted...
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