
Which framework do you prefer
Node JS or Laravel

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    An Elixir framework, it is the shit.
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    None, I did work with express before but node itself is not my cup of tea (same for PHP).

    As a Pythonista, Django all the way. Lately a new framework called Vibora caught my attention. It is blazingly fast (faster than ones like Tornado according to Benchmarks), written in Python and C.
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    Node is not a framework. It is a runtime environment for the Javascript language. Laravel IS a framework. In the case of picking between JS and PHP you would get better answers
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    @AleCx04 Which is still going to be a lot of "ew js" and "ew PHP" lol
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    @Stuxnet i can already see it happening. Its bound to start any second now
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    @AleCx04 aaaaand i have arrived
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    If i gotta choose between crap and crap with dollar signs, imma just choose piss instead
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    If you use websockets or semi real time stuff go for node. If you want 0/24 running rock solid stuff and want to sleep well, i suggest use laravel (and of course PHP you fucking haterz)
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