Hasn't technology become magic - and we ignorant sorcerer's apprentices who can perform a video call to the other side of the globe perhaps while we understand only some bytes of the thousands software snippets that were piled up by us code monkeys to perform the miracle? ...

This however has always been the state of software (for us developers): that this house of cards needs constant care by our hands to not collapse - in constant fear we may preserve the facades while the number of components that interact, the sheer mass of code only allow for guesswork and hotfixes accumulating the technical debt. Yes, we have all that terms for that. The problems are known since the 80s or 60s, so we might be relabeling it once in a while, but mainly it is just: complexity.. or entropy.

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    I embrace complexity. Sometimes complexity is good. Not for users but in our world it will continue to be more complex as we develop more powerful infrastructure and webbuild great things.
    We will become even more in demand.
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    @Jumpshot44 Sure it is not necessarily a bad thing. After all it keeps us employed;-) - Maybe there are also different kinds of complexities: Ones that are (or seem) arbitrary and annoying; things like Perl or Bash syntax, gcc flags, linking order etc. - other complexities might be necessary, for instance if it arises from user interaction or configuration that have to be made..
    And then there could be complexity like in art which could even be beautiful... but honestly I have not yet encountered it in real life software, or do you have an example?
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