
So JavaScript/ES6 is kicking my ass. I'm not used to front end development as much. Idk when to use javascript and how. I dont know when I need to manipulate the DOM and how I do it. It's a new concept and I'm hoping PHP isnt gonna have as big of a learning curve..

  • 4
    If you have difficulty with JavaScript I don't think PHP will be easier
  • 1
    Well, you use javascript when you want something to be done that cannot be done in plain HTML/CSS. If you don't know how, Google :)
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    @JannikHv I just need to get more resources then
  • 1
    It can be this simple:

    HTML for the structure.

    CSS for the looks and feel.

    JS for the effects, events.
  • 1
    IMO PHP is one of the easiest languages out there to “get started” with.

    Just suppress all warnings and Concat any commands you like.. 🤕

    However, IMO this makes it way harder to become a qualified / good PHP dev..

    Same for JS. Even common frameworks are one huge hack, you need to be very disciplined to learn best practices and not use one of the many the shortcuts (hacks) out there.
  • 2
    Remember everything is an object in JavaScript
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    How is as easy as getElelmentByID, or querySelextorAll. Then making the changes to the objects those return.

    When is whenever something needs to change on a user generated event.
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