Quick question/update over a previous rant.

My netbook battery status was always 100% on Lubuntu 18.10, I switched to Xubuntu and the same happens, but it reports correctly with Puppy Linux (old version). I thought the problem was in the battery itself, but now I think it's due to some broken drivers in newer version of Debian-based distros, or it is a bug in newer Linux kernel. But since I have no time to spend on a spare netbook, I'm not willing to test more options.

Anyone has a clue? 🤔


  • 0
    figure out at which point readings get corrupted. At OS level? or at upowerd (or alternative) level? Or the power monitoring app?
  • 1
    @netikras both acpi and upower tell me percentage 100% while capacity 97,67% with a voltage of 65,535 V. Battery LED indicator works correctly, so I'd exclude any hardware issue
  • 0
    Most of linux distro are terrible at battery management, but there is a tool i can't remember what it's called just install it. Problem solved.
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