
Was talking to a friend of mine and he was very expressive about companies (Especially tech companies) just wanting money...

Turned to him and said that wasn't true because if it was Motorola would make a gen 3 of the Moto 360...

(This is sort of a mini rant for me because they are too busy copying the iphone design instead of giving the people what they want and will earn them a shit tonne of money)

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    Moto does not do gens, they relaxed a new version if the phone you have every 10 months, which is worse.

    But hey,at least they are kind of cheap
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    @mundo03 moto 360 is their smartwatch, they actually call them gen 1 and gen 2 but your point is true. They are missing out on so much
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    @lxmcf any I don't follow smartwatches yet,I still have no use for then 😃
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