i went to my college bakery and i bought a sandwich (costs 140) and ultra energy drink (costs 90) in my currency

i extend my hand with money and the woman takes a calculator and types with one finger 1 4 0 + 9 0 = and says "230"

  • 5
    I do that all the time, I mean I use the calculator for simple operations
  • 3
    Would you rather her charge you an even 3 dollars?
  • 9
    What's the point of this rant? Never seen a calculator before?

    I use calculator even for simple stuff because it lets my mind concentrate on the hard part of the problem. And it also reduces the amount of stupid mistakes. The stupid mistakes take the most time to solve and are the most ... stupid.
  • 5
    I mean, using calculator for 14+9?That's just stupid.

    She works in a shop god damnit, it's basic maths.
  • 1
    That is a fucking expensive sandwich.
    There better be something really good in it, like chocolate covered tears of a unicorn or something
  • 12
    When you work in customer service jobs, you learn to shut off the part of your brain that does things like calculations. Because if you didn’t, you’d be calculating how much working in an industry where you are constantly judged by/insulted by complete strangers for no good reason other than having the misfortune of being the easiest target incapable of firing back a response without considerable repercussions. And if you made those calculations, you wouldn’t be able to do your job.

    So yes, adding 14 and 9 is simple maths, but so is the math for “I make minimum wage and I’m on my feet all day, have to clean up for people who can’t be bothered to pick up for themselves, and get consistently yelled at for doing literally nothing wrong, is this paycheck really worth my mental health?”

    Also, give a person a break. When you’ve dealt with enough people yelling at you saying you’re overcharging them when you’re not, you learn to use a calculator to avoid that fight.
  • 0
    @thevariableman do you know which currency?
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  • 1
    I do that all the time too. I'm even considering getting a calculator watch, just for the purpose of simple calculations.

    You don't know the person or who she is, so don't judge her about stupid stuff like that.
  • 0
    @ca55idy whoops you got over my head bro i actually meant to say 1400 gbp
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    @thevariableman in my country cheapest sandwich costs 3000++ 😁
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    @thevariableman Myanmar from South East Asia
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