
I can't wait for connectors to become genderfluid.

Or someone complaining about sockets being called "female".

  • 10
    Why is this a thing people care about? 😒 Do they really not have anything more important to worry about?
  • 2
    care all you want, idc
  • 5
    I don’t care one way or the other, but I find the male / female terminology unnecessarily gendered when input / output would serve and be waaaaay more contextually correct.

    I did once make a professor squirm during a networking tutorial as he said “male and female, because that’s the only correct way” and there was an audible gasp from the class, and a dawning look of realisation from him as he looked at me (the only gay) with pure horror. He couldn’t apologise enough and I didn’t care, I told him it was fine... eventually 😂
  • 2
    oh look, a cool modern guy 🙄
  • 1
    @Elyz if you mean caring about caring, because when i want to call it male/female master/slave, they should let me because it makes sense.

    If you mean caring about not calling it male/female, yes.
  • 0
    Btw, i'm referencing this bullshit:
  • 1
    @Brolls sooo... Which one usb adapter is 'input'? Male or female?
  • 1
    @netikras fucking female. Literally.
  • 0
    @nitwhiz why is that? What's the 'input' flowing into it?
  • 2
    @nitwhiz or maybe you're refering to the physical shape as input, bcz it's plugged _into_ a female port? If so, then how come you have to plug your mic's 3.5 output plug into an input jack to have input from your mic in your pc? And why do you plug your headset's output plug into pc's input jack to have some output out of your pc? You see the excessive confusion, right?

    Don't fucking overcomplicate plain simple things. It's already enough init being replaced with systemd to make things overly complex. Learn the fucking lesson
  • 0
    @netikras never have i seen audio ports being called male/female.
  • 1
    @nitwhiz have you seen them being called input/output? :)

    the principle stands. Apply it to usb speaker and usb keyboard if audio ports confuse you.
  • 0
    @netikras no, i see them called jack and aux.
  • 3
    @nitwhiz "aux" is another name for "line in" jack or a male-to-male cable.

    "Jack" is a slang term for a female fixed connector. My guess is that it stems from "getting jacked" (shooting up / injecting) from rock and roll days, but idk.
  • 4
    it's a biological term. tell a scientists that he should stop dividing his lab rats by genders and he will laugh at you. it's not even remotely related to discrimination against anyone and the people that *might* feel discriminated by it are actually the most chill about it.
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