Wisdom teeth removal tomorrow morning. They're stuck up in there so they're putting me to sleep and really yanking on em. Gonna be out of action for a few days. Merry Christmas everyone!

I wish they gave me Xanax for a couple days in advance, not one hour in advance.

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    At least you will have a couple day to recover before the holidays. I got my out back when I was a teenager on the 23rd of December 🤣 Definitely not the best Christmas that year. Be sure to follow the heat and cold regimind and you should recover quickly.
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    Trust me, the worst part are the days afterwards. Worst is relative though, it's not that bad overall.
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    I'm pretty sure they don't use Xanax as an anestetic, they only might give it to you extra if you're a really fearful patient who gets a panic attack just by walking in the street of the dentist.
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    Pfftft. You Americans and your anaesthetic when having wisdom teeth removed.

    Over the pond, we get an injection (Novacaine I think) and that’s that, we get to experience the blunt force trauma that is tooth extraction, along with all the joyous crunching and snapping courtesy of bone conduction.
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    @jonii That's me! I actually had one at just eh consultation, medium-severity. Just some shaking and other symptoms.
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    Update to everyone:

    I am doing well. Much better than I expected; I am walking and talking and eating and playing video games as soon as I got home. Very drowsy and dizzy, and my new pain meds are probably gonna knock me out, but right now I am okay!

    (Local anesthesia has not worn off yet so I am numb. My attitude may be very different in the future - about 5 hours)
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    propofol? <3
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    @AlgoRythm the first solid food you eat after this will be absolutely amazing! I had a Burger King whopper and no burger can ever match it. It was glorious beyond description after weeks of mashed potatoes, apple sauce, and soup.
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    @jeeper I'm a rebel and had bacon the first night.
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