I request the VPN credential to access to an italian big company network.
The ask me the email to send the new credentials.
I reply sviluppo@mycompany.it
They say it's not good, it's not associated only to me.
I said I'm the only developer (sviluppo) in my company.
They reply the is more secure my private gmail account.
They sent the credentials to my gmail account.

  • 6
    Where can I send 5 bucks so you can ease swallowing that with some decent drink of your own choice?
  • 11
    I guess they wanted the NSA to have the data as backup or something?
  • 1
    you made a huge mistake.

    Never, never, NEVER share your private infos (email, phone), unless you are the company's boss.


    You'll never know if they will be smart enough to understand not to use that email again, or if they are dumb enough to think that NOW they have a direct link to you.
    And in this case, they don't look to be part of the first group. :/
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