
Yeah, planning to advance through my PhD thesis.

  • 5
    All my energies!! I hope the writing helps you see how awesome is what you did and shake off any imposter syndrome you may have ^^
  • 0
    Looking at your profile you seem to be a software engineer. Why would you want to get a PhD?
  • 0
    @CodeMasterAlex yes, I am. Because of passion, because I want to do a research project without any business driven requirements and because I have the ambition to get this degree after bachelor's and master's. Your question implies that a software engineer and a PhD are rather oddities or opposite things. Why do you think so?
  • 0
    @klekih Well, I'm engineering and developing software professionally for 20 years now. I never met a dev that has a PhD related to computer science or software engineering. I worked for quite a lot of great companies and last 4 years I'm freelance. I have met devs (freelance) that hadn't even finished college, yet they seem to be able to take almost any contract they like, for very nice hourly rates too. I do hold a degree in software engineering and am currently getting my master degree. I did look at doing PhD too but it will take so many additional years (4 to 7) that I don't think it is worth it, at least not from a day to day job point of view. Also, you'll think in a different way and many many devs won't be able to keep up or understand choices you made. I'm experiencing that already while applying things I learned studying for my master. Although everyone here has higher education no one understands certain things. Once PhD you can probably work only with other PhD's.
  • 0
    Thanks for your CV :)

    I think that a PhD doesn't make you so difficult to deal with other non-phd people, especially if you stay humble.

    And yes, I know people with PhD degrees in software.
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