
Where do you place your desktop tower so it doesn't suck up dust. Per a previous rant, @sunfishcc was right there is a vent at the bottom and probably a very bad idea to place it on cardboard.... Or carpet. But what would be the best?

Would putting it on top of plastic be better?

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    @M1sf3t it's on the floor, on top of card board currently as floor is carpeted
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    From what I've seen, my computers level of dust is almost directly related to how close it is to the floor... The best I've had it was on top of a bookshelf next to my desk, that way even higher than the desk but also not taking up desk space.
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    @M1sf3t yea it has footing so there's a gap
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    Best place is the garage... You can earn a fortune by doing this... like Google & Apple.
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    @MrJimmy carton ~= paper, paper turns into dust?
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