My life didnt go as smooth as i expected. Everything happened as expected, i knew what going to the uni requires, i knew everything...
But i didnt accounted for my mental health. Since forever i have thought that im lazy or something like that, that i can do everything i just have to do it. Oh how wrong was I. It went from my projects being frozen for a long time due to lack of motivation to neglecting important living activies. Even my health suffered a bit. Everytime i failed, even the simplest task no matter why i always felt even worse. Even the most basic tasks were unimportant for me. Even some minor tasks that i failed gave me huge guilt. Not to mention that my family wont help me with my mental health at all, (they cant see what is realy happening they always think im lazy) (but maybe they could fucking figure out that being sad liteary for years is bad). My contact with friends is limited, im always scared to go or more often scared to ask is they have time to meet because they are ALWAYS busy...
So that was my life, alone, against people who were demanding (and my mother who thought that her hard work was everything i needed, but no. Money, food and clean house isnt everything that human requires to propely function!). Now I have scheduled a meeting with the specialist, i hope the uni has better ones than the other ones i had. I hope he will help me and i will get out that life downwards spiral.

  • 6
    Good on you for doing something about it. I know what all that feels like and you are not alone. Here's to hoping the coming time will be better for you!
  • 3
    @Nanos no, playing computer games makes you feel better momentarily, but also isolates you even more from the outside world in the long run. Even if you play online with your friends.
    Or at least, that's my personal experience, and afaik it applies to most people out there.
  • 4
    @endor agreed. Computer games ended up being half the reason I lost my friends and never went out. Definitely didn't help me at all.
  • 1
    Getting up and getting help is a big step. Keep on going :-) :thumbs_up:
  • 0
    My current life consisted of 99% of games...
    And now i even dont wanna play them 😥
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