
(most of the) Medium authors all suck fucking dick. Those fuckers are the reason the internet needs an IQ lock.

Stats about React vs Angular vs Vue.

Yeah of course let's compare search count of React vs Vue vs Angular but Vue must be searched with ".js" appended. NOT A SINGLE FUCK ADDS .JS WHEN SEARCHING FOR VUE.

Left: stats from article
Right: stats, if you use google trends correctly

  • 6
    So... yes, they probably should have left the .js off of vue. Google trends can be hard to use right though, I definitely understand how the author went wrong.

    Also, it appears that you didn’t set the programming category on your search, and thus your data isn’t right either.
  • 1
    article link please
  • 2
    @FelisPhasma Vue is not in the Software category. Also, you didn't search worldwide, but USA only.
  • 4
    Why vue and react dropped so low lately?
  • 1
    Top JavaScript Frameworks and Topics to Learn in 2019 https://medium.com/javascript-scene...
  • 4
    @devTea I think this comes with the whole comparsion articles at the end of the year. People know about react and angular, but vue seems newish, so they google it up and since vue overtook react in stars on github (if i remember correctly), many people seem to switch to it, too. just a guess, tho.
  • 0
    Don’t think search trend really matter. You could replicate the UI with either framework.
    Install vue and react devtool. Take a look on your most visited sites. Most of them react. While fontawesome uses vue.
    I heard people shift from angular to react, or react to vue. But seems nobody switch from react or vue to angular...
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