was a member on a web developers group on Facebook.

someone posted a question:
- I am getting error 500, how can I fix it (yes just like that, no error message, not even what technology he's using)
comment 1 : how can I build a website please? (I mean, wtf, you can at least post a separate post)
comment 2: check your database, MySQL has problems bla bla ( yes, don't know how he guessed that ia the database is the problem, and who tell you he used MySQL anyway??)

Me: what the hell am I doing here?
*Quit the group*

  • 9
    Yup, those groups are full of kids. Which isn't bad everyone has to start somewhere.
  • 6
    Every kind of facebook group is full of fakers
  • 4
    Well, if he/she didn't specify any technology then chances are he/she doesn't even know that there are multiple products for web development and he/she is just using Wordpress or something like that. 500 error could have common cause and I suppose MySQL is default for Wordpress.

    If you want higher quality QA then go to SO. It ain't perfect, but it is best IMO.
  • 12
    Facebook programming groups be like "halo sir how i make html android app #superpowerby2020"
  • 2
    @ganjaman 😂😂
  • 1
    @arraysstartat1 just use they instead of he/she
  • 1
    Can you fix my printer?
  • 0
    Fakebook you mean?
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