I have a confession. I have always used IDLE because I love it. It's slow, lacks a number of features, and is just all-around outdated.

So today I went and I got rid of it. I tried PyCharm in the past but it was too complicated for Python. I like JetBrain's IDE for Java, but not for Python. Instead, this time, I opted for Spyder. I tend to get quite excited about new IDEs, and I do like this one a fair bit. The editor offers a dark theme but the UI surrounding it does not. This is offensive, but acceptable, for the time being. Here's a screenshot. Any thoughts?

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    python has pointers?
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    @calmyourtities No, that's how you pass unlimited parameters to a function. Like '...' in most languages
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    Try VSCode?
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    @rutvora I like it for web dev, anything else I hate using a electron-based editor.
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    @calmyourtities They are just hidden according to some authors who claim C is the mother of all languages
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    I must say, as confessions go I'm disappointed. I really expected to like you less after hearing it, but then you went and made a perfectly reasonable argument.

    Not only do I still respect you, but found myself relating to your IDE decisions. Big let down.
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    @stisch It's hard to let go of IDLE after making so many games with it on my Raspberry Pi. There's a certain bond that forms.
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    Use VSCode for python, it has all the features you might ever want while still being a relatively lightweight editor with a great UI
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    I use Spacemacs for Python. You learn it once and use for almost every language.
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    I am proud to say I use vim 😂
    Idk why
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    Why not use pycharm if you already use intellij?
    Its very nice to work with since the shortcuts are mostly the same.
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    I personally love PyCharm! It is my favorite IDE when programing in Python.
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    I used Spyder for work and I think I figured out how to fix the UI being white
    Can't remember how though
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    @Orni Would appreciate the info if you happen to remember. I would guess changing the gnome theme would work.
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