
FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT USB STICK. What the actual fuck how hard can it be to format a usb-stick? Excuse me?

Basically, flashed arch .iso on my usb stick. After stuff was done I want to format my usb stick again so I can put files on it. Normally thats a super easy process. I tried a shitload of things.

1) On windows: Quick format -> Windows was unable to format.
2) Went to Linux. Opened GParted. Gparted didn't detect the usb drive? Wtf. Rebooted then it showed up. Tried to delete all partitions, tried to clear the entire drive. Gparted just freezes. Ok... wtf is going on?
3) Tried to go the bruteforce way and zero out the entire drive with dd. After a few seconds dd freezes and is not doing anything anymore.

Wth is going on lol? Why can I not wipe my usb drive? Any ideas?

  • 3
    Guess it is broken then? I had something similar with a USB Stick and I can't use it...
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    @EaZyCode I wonder, it worked flawlessly before and I flashed a shitton of different images on it ..
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    @EaZyCode Also even better, when the drive is plugged in I see all the files on it in nautilus. And when I try to delete partitions with fdisk it says there are no partitions? Like wtf??? I also tried creating a new one then it is stuck at applying the changes again ?___? Man I don't understand anything anymore...
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    have you tried dd with oflag=direct?
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    mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb
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    If you RTFM ( arch Wiki ) it says run wipefs -- all /dev/sdX before mkfs.

    Thank me later 🙂
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    @silverstar yeah funny but that doesn't work. Just freezes and nothing happens.
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    @silverstar Doesn't work either.
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    @Kyu96 worked for me though.
  • 1
    @silverstar I assume the controller of the stick is damaged. Because otherwise one of these methods would have worked.
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