
Have u ever thought 24h is not enough?
I wish i 48h or even more but wishing won't change anything :(

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    *googles how to sleep 8 hours in 4 hours*
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    @Besi good idea 😂
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    change the planet/Moon. the earthmoon has a day of the length of 27 earthdays.
  • 4
    All the time.
    But if a day was longer, the expectations would be also more.
    What we actually need is one of those time freezing wrist watch from that old movie that speeds your body up so much that the world around you seems frozen. Also you don't catch on fire or explode for some reason.
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    or just drink really strong coffee/caffeeinated drink like doc in the comic "The whiteboard"(http://the-whiteboard.com/autotwb18... and the following)
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    Man, it took me way too long to realize there wasn’t a ‘t’ in there. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what the 24th was and then how the hell you get to 48th.
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    Don't neglect your sleep, even if it seems tempting. Your body will get back at you for that eventually. Also fucked up sleep patterns are a major pain to deal with.

    Try to use your time more wisely. It's surprising what a little discipline can do here.
  • 2
    I watched an interesting video where Mark Rosewater (lead designer for Magic for those who don’t know) was talking about game design and one of the points he made was that constraints breed creativity. If you had unlimited time in the day you’d get far less done and be far more tempted to procrastinate. Since there’s only 24 hours in a day and less once you sleep (which you should do!) you have to find creative ways to utilize that time to get the most out of it. Sometimes that means innovating code so you can write less boilerplate, or coming up with ways to automate basic tasks. See your limited time as an opportunity to innovate and come up with creative solutions. Further take Warren Buffett’s advice and say no to most things, keep your calendar empty so you can focus on what’s important rather than filling it with useless meetings and other time sinks.
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