Just got to know that we can create private repo's on github.

At the cost of sacrificing pages.github.com

  • 1
    What do you mean by sacrificing pages?
  • 1
    @DanijelH as in you can host info about your repo on pages... Something like reponame.github.io
  • 1
    @Lightyaer i thought it was username.github.io
  • 0
    @stop yeah.. I'm not sure never used it.
  • 2
    Why would you want to host info about a private repo anyway? Kinda defeats the point.
  • 1
    @RememberMe you don't HAVE to use it for repo info. You could use it for all kinds of things: a personal bio/blog, a file server, porn distribution, torrent hosting...
  • 0
    Fuckkkk.. Just got to know.. That pages.github.com is something on which you show off your repo's.
  • 0
    But if you have a private repo, why would you want a public page for the repo? I am confused. Though apparently you *can* do it with a private repo if you have a paid version.
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