i swear to GOD i am so fucking productive, happy, full of life, thankful to live, WAY MORE PRODUCTIVE, WAY MORE NORMAL, WAY MORE PHYSICALLY BEAUTIFUL, WAY MORE MENTALLY STABLE, i get WAY MORE SHIT DONE, i appreciate people, i help people, i ACTUALLY BECOME SUCCESSFUL, i am actually WILLING TO LEARN ADVANCED SHIT THAT ARE BEYOND MY UNDERSTANDING *BECAUSE* IT IS SOMETHING I ENJOY TO FUCKIN DO, WAY MORE FUCKIN POSITIVE, WAY MORE FUCKIN SOCIAL, all of this --- when i do NOT fucking study or go to the fucking cuckold college.....

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    I agree in that school is a stress nest and so may instabilate mind, but it also is a door opener.
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    @XiovV i Never thought I'd find an open minded thinker outside the box individual like you dude you made my morning bro... hhh thank you 💯
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    I'm not saying that you should study programming in schools. Definitely not. I'm too self learned developer and doing work besides school. I mean that studying theory and science + meeting people gives you opportunities to work with something greater than e-commerce sites and intranet softwares (my current work). You of course need the motivation and open mind to do so.

    I'm not saying I have experience. I'm still stuck with basic studies for a year or so and I am thinking about the future, which I'm not so sure about yet.
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    You can also learn in / while work but usually you can only climb so far in the corporate ladder before needing deeper understanding in theory.
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    School is pointless.
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