During scrum, we have a remote QA Engineer who literally includes what she and her child do during her lunch breaks.

"Yesterday during lunch, little Jimmy and I went clothes shopping during lunch and I got him some new shirts and they're 100% cotton"


  • 4
    WTF! She should be reported for that.
  • 4
    @HoloDreamer She by far talks for the longest amount of time during SCRUMS. Easily 10x longer than anybody else. Most people just say "I worked on this feature yesterday, I will continue to do that today." She writes down literally every little thing she does throughout the day and reads everything to us. She even mentions things like "I updated Chrome and tested that everything was still working"
  • 10
    She's a human being. Be happy for her. Just nod your head and move on. That's part of the problem today, people are starting to lack humanity. Oh, wait. People have always lacked humanity, hence wars and walls.
  • 2
    We had a web designer that used to do that (not kids, but still way off topic stuff)

    She was Colombian (gorgeous long dark hair, sultry accent, etc) used to compete in fitness contests (still in very good shape) and knew she could talk about picking peanut shells out of her teeth and the Scrum Master would still smile, nod, and say "OK, thanks...Bill your next.."
  • 2
    @PaperTrail This person is the self-appointed Scrum Master, so maybe that's why she rambles on and on
  • 1
    A self appointed scrum master and "proper scrum" are mutually exclusive.

    I once worked on a project that did scrum properly, with an excellent scrum master. It was brilliant! It only happened once though.
  • 0
    Oh wauw
  • 0
    @iAmNaN yeah as if OP and other co-workers are not human beings should feel anything wrong about this!

    If she was a good human being, she would have respected herself and others by not going so off topic at this wrong place and situation. She's just embarassing herselves and annoying her co-workers.

    If anything, people need to be more human and accept whole world doesn't revolve around them and whole world doesn't need to know their private life.
  • 1
    I used to talk about what I did at the gym that morning. Sadly, I only went to the gym for 10 days.
  • 0
    @zaza welcome to DR!
  • 0
    @iAmNaN thanks mate ✌🏻
  • 0
    @vlatkozelka our scrums last about five minutes, if that. Adding another minute isn't a problem.
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