Mate asked me if Electron.js la good to build a desktop app. I suggested to write backend Api and so on in java and front-end in js using Angular or React.
What are your opinion about electron.js?

  • 3
    Uuffhh that's heavy.

    System Req :
    RAM : can-took-some-beating GB
  • 0
    I'd like some input as well. Say, if you were to build a really powerful IDE (IntelliJ levels) with Electron, how would that fare in terms of CPU and memory usage?
  • 0
    The point is that my friend need to develop an application to manage administration, payments and shipments. He is a junior developer.. so need my help and advise 😅
  • 4
    Genius people of devrant will say that its heavy and bad meanwhile Multi million dollar companies are using it every day.
  • 0
    @irene like what, in your opinion?
  • 0
    @irene so node.js for backend, and react for the front end. I'll tell him, thanks
  • 0
    @irene almost lol 😂
  • 0
    @alekdinin electron is fucking incredible when combined with a low lever language like C or Rust, you can create fast, pretty and platform agnostic code in a short amount of time
  • 0
    Thank you @all for the explanation and experience with Electron.js.
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