
Do you make notes for the stuff you learn as a developer,
feel fee to discuss how you do it, like do you write a detailed blog post or write in your notebook

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    Wanted to keep a proper blog but fail for last 4/5 years up till now.

    For now, I just use Pocket to save links with proper tags. Then snippets on gitlab with necessary documentation.
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    No notes; I've never needed them.
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    No, just program.
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    If I write notes, I'm sure I won't check those notes never again. So I just don't, I just use my brain. I've always thought that, if some day my brain won't be enough, that's the time I should stop working. But maybe that time will arrive earlier then expected
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    No blog posts,I am not on "bloggy" side of things. I write code with lots of comments, that serves as notes for me.
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    Nope. I do put links that i find valuable in my bibliography though
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