what the FUCK!!! What's wrong with your heads people!?!? If you write code, write it in application source. NOT IN THE FUCKING DATABASE!!!
Database is a REPOSITORY for entities -- NOT a place to be tangled with BUSINESS LOGICS!

Raise_application_error(-20201, 'Payment already confirmed'); my ass!

  • 8
    People put code anywhere. Places you'd never expect it.

    I found code in configuration, even in text resources, where someone popped the text through a parser which processed expressions included in that text.

    It's terrible.
  • 1
    Looks like someone got TRIGGERed...
  • 0
    ok lets forget about stored procedures to calculate data fast. lets do it with your php in loops! excellent!
  • 0
    @MaxDeepfield oh dear, that's horrible! If only it was no longer '96 with freaking expensive resources...

    P.S. I hate php
  • 0
    There are definite cases where logic in stored procedures is the best decision.

    Agree it should be avoided if possible.
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