
Had an interview with a potential customer last week, and he started questioning my technical capability in the middle of the discussion on the basis that I’m taking notes with pen and paper...

Yes, I can type. At 90+ WPM, I can darn near produce a transcript of everything we say. But I won’t remember any of it afterward, because it passes straight from the ears to the hands without any processing.

“You see, that’s what we have something called ’search’ for...”

...Yeah. Except that doesn’t help with picking out the most important points from a wall of text, organizing it in a way that allows visualizing relationships between concepts, and other non-linear things that are hard to do on the fly in a word processor.

“Well, how about we get you a tablet with a pen and you can just write on that, then?”

How about no.

Ended up turning him down because of other concerns that were raised that were, suffice to say, about as ornerous as you might expect from that exchange.

  • 10
    He sounds like a tool for sure. One thing I've come to rely on is expressing my opinion in a situation like this. That whole rebuttal of yours could have been simplified to: "I like taking notes on paper by hand."

    There's not much to say after that. If he continues to try to convince you of the error of your ways he might as well be attacking your favorite color, which would just further reveal his toolness.
  • 5
    @duckWit Part of it is that one of his rules was that *all* notes had to be maintained in the company OneNote, and it would be cause for immediate termination of contract if you had notes or anything about the company anywhere else (with the lone, slight exception being the company e-mail they would issue you).

    As a friend and I both concluded when evaluating how to respond, it wasn’t a matter of if one would get fired from the job, but when.
  • 3
    @Kaji you and your friend came to the correct conclusion. Run away!
  • 2
    Seriously, I’ve worked for government contractors handling secret material that weren’t as controlling as this guy was.
  • 1
    @Kaji if he's going to concern himself with implementation details on how you remember key pieces of a conversation then it's a safe bet he'd go all open season on your code, too.
  • 3
    Facebook encourages developer using crazy8 (sketch 8 different ui in 1 paper within 15 mins).
    Google provides free pen and notepad for everyone.
    Ask your customer, are these companies good enough?
  • 2
    Lot's of research that shows retention and encoding are significantly better with pencil and paper, or analogs.
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