Why does public transport suck so much ass sometimes

  • 3
    Why is public transport great nearly all of the time but people only talk about it when it breaks 🤔
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 It might depend on your location. AFAIK in most of the USA public transport is shit and you need a car to get anything done.

    At my location we do have fairly normal transport, but it certainly isn't perfect:

    15% - someone who smells bad or is too loud

    15% - too crowded, to the point of it being not only uncomfortable, but unsafe

    5% - not on time

    Gonna skip "no connection" since those are rather infrequent.

    And even if there is no issue that would make me skip to the next (if I can), then it is just marginally better than walking. I use them only because I can easily read/listen to books and driving car would be wasted time in comparison.
  • 0
    Dunno where y'all live but public transportation in Prague is top notch. You can get from anywhere to anywhere at any time.
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