1. Ability to freeze time... (except for internet & computer speed). Too many ideas, not enough hours in a day. Sleep should be declared optional as well.

2. Ability to not eat/drink at all, or eat/drink in copious quantities without negative effects. I enjoy a cognac, pizza & chocolate binge more than nausea, upwards BMI creep and hangovers.

3. True Virtual Reality. None of this headset crap, but immersiveness rivaling reality itself, with voice-controlled AI-assisted interfaces to "program" anything by simply describing it, iterating over details to add increasing complexities. Not even for porn reasons... my head just overflows with creative ideas for "holonovels" and interactive worldbuilding, but I don't have the patience nor artistic skills for game development.

  • 4
    Number 3 reminds me of Westworld and the way the devs talk to the robots for debuging and diagnostics.
    And in the end it's all JavaScript.
  • 1
    So for 3 you basically want Star Trek TNG/DS9's holodecks?
  • 0
    @RememberMe That would be totally acceptable. Although I think some neural interface would be more practical than synthesized matter & holograms.
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