
I don't remember where did I found this, but there you go.

  • 11
    If he‘s JS dev I wouldn‘t wonder at all. Every single JS app I‘ve seen confuses me as well, poorly written code, lots of boilerplate that‘s just there to do stuff noone knows about.

    Not understanding my own or someone else‘s java code? Almost nevr happens to me. Clear, concise syntax, easy APIs, IDE supported code exploring and build feedback.
  • 3
    i like these kind motivationals :)
  • 2
  • 1
    @mojo2012 it seems to be Kyle Simpson whom is a god of JS
  • 1
    @deodexed even worse, when a god can‘t do that, better for us mortals not to do JS 😅
  • 0
    @hilol you can’t sadly
  • 0
    @hilol you have to install the client script extension. I’ve put it on github readme, you can’t install browser extension on phone so it only works on PC
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