
Why in the FUCK does the NSLSC (company that lends out student loans) have as their ONLY method to update your banking information a .pdf that you print out online and physically mail in. Once they receive it–will take another 1-2 weeks (according to them) to update my banking information.

It's fucking 2019, every single service I've used to update any kind of information (from gym payments to government related information) can be done online through a secure, streamlined, fast, environmentally friendly and cost effective ONLINE FORM.

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    Their website hasn't changed in the 11 years I've had my loan with them. I'm sure their practices haven't either. Hope I never have to update my banking info.
  • 0
    Because the US government allowed private industry to turn educational funding into government protected, usurious boat anchors that only server to further exacerbate already egregious costs for education, and lenders the world over are cut from the same cloth and will attempt to replicate any scam that works.

    Or, the same reason you can't update your address information on healthcare.gov, ever.

    Engineering systems to fuck you over is the business model.
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