First job interview, caused such a good impression that I was hired on the spot. Oh yeah

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    Good luck (:
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    Congratulations on that new job fellow portuguese neighbor 😉
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    All the best!
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    NICE. Good luck!!!!
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    Perfect 👌,
    Best of luck 🍀
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    Awesome mate. Details pleaaassseee! I'd like to hear more about this interview.. pweeasee. 😁
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    Okeye... I'll make a report...
    I'm a CNC Operator with 3 years experience (minimum in this job)
    I'm a geek, a nerd, and already better than most, only because I don't stay stuck, I always try to improve.
    I have knowledge in designing in 3D, programming in CAM (for CNC machines and 3d Printers) and work with most CNCs.
    I learn very fast and adapt to a new machine in days.
    Also, know a bit on computer programming and web programming.
    Started playing with electronics this summer... now it's one of my addictions.
    My biggest project in a CNC machine, a prototype for bigger CNC machines that I can sell for hobbiests and companies.
    You pay €4000 for a decent very small CNC machine that can mill steel.
    A normal CNC machine costs from €50 to €2000 per hour to Operate
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    So, This was my first Interview. I liked the company, modern, big machines... And I needed to impress.

    You need to do it in 3 steps, tell about you, tell the negative stuff, then win the employer with a bomb.

    Started to say my history (only the stuff that matters, regarding the subject, and because I had lots of jobs trow in some other specialties).
    Always say that I had to many jobs because I just can't stay unemployed, I get bored really fast. (employers like to ear stuff like this, I can't stay at home, I must work even if it's a temporary job, it shows your dinamic and energetic)

    Then I talked about my burn out (After not creating interest, since I only have the minimum 3 years required for a CNC operator) to drop the bomb. Got it fixed when said I got it by working, studying and sleep 4 hours for one year (shows endurance, willing to go furder, do more than most to achieve your objectives).

    Now it's time for the bomb (continues)
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    You must find a way to say what you want, in my case, I started saying that I can learn really fast, I adapt to any CNC machine in a couple of days, I know programming. He: "What do you mean programming?"; Me: "Computer programming and also CAM; He: "OHHHhhhhhh....."
    Then I said that I'm learning more on my own because I'm doing my CNC machine.
    He: "You mean you bought a CNC machine? That's expensive"
    Me: "No, I'm building one from scratch"
    He: Stupidified face, then, Idolation face
    He: "When do you want to start?"
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    @GyroGearloose that's great bro. Went through similar steps as you except I didn't get hired the same day. Lol nice work and thanks for details.
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    @bigus-dickus benadryl would be more useful tbh
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    Btw this is a old post, got fired 2 weeks later.
    I was learning a new machine and got fired because I wasn't produzing....
    Even the office girls were like what?
    Resuming, boss asked my old boss (the same who's responsible for my burn out) for references and fired me the same day
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    Ya... Nasty, envious people just don't let go
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