Anybody Else use a not duck for debugging?
What's yours?

  • 7
    Are you talking to that i9 box?
  • 0
    @gronostaj haha no Horus is my debugger. But I do enjoy being able to deploy 7 VMs with 2cores each and still have 4 cores for my host machine. 😁
  • 0
    Hahahahahhaha just realized ++ for anyone who can spot the rubber ducky in this picture.
  • 0
    Fuck that is beautiful. I need to get myself something like this
  • 0
    I've Spiderman on my desk and the little buddy from fallout in my car (sometime I'm talking to him when driving)
  • 0
    I wonder how people would react if you put a rubber dick on your desk, just to support you in debugging.
  • 1
    For debugging I use tears and suffering
  • 0
    @irene actually it's a falcon, I think
  • 0
    @irene agreed it's a stylized thing, not exactly a biologically correct representation.

    But Horus is associated with falcons so, eh
  • 0
    Ok so nobody spotted the rubber ducky? It is on the desk behind horus. I did not plan it but it was there so pretty funny. It is a https://hak5.org rubber ducky 😁
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