from 1-10 how bad is it if i publish an app to play store knowing it has bugs and is not very optimized but everything works fine?

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    @beleg real talk rn bro i have to make an important decision
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    It's cool, there are worse apps out there
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    @dontPanic exactly ive been observing them and always wondered how the hell are such broken apps so successful but after reading human psychology books i finally learned whats actually going on behind the scenes that people dont even know about
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    @SukMikeHok I was real, your app either has no bugs, or something doesn't work fine, so your description was inconsistent and I couldn't compute a number for it.
    Although if you mean you know there's a bug that really doesn't mess with the primary use case, then I personally don't really consider that a bug 😉
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    You can use the bugs to promote your app. There are some practices to introduce in your app non critical bugs and let the users find them. When the users report the bug u fix them and release new versions. This way the user will be very pleased that you took in consideration their feedback.
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    @jAsE it works about... 90% of the time
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    Depends what kind of app is it..
    And what kind od bugs..
    Are you selling it?
    Does it involve money transfers?
    Does it store sensitive data?

    For me if it's free and doesn't mess with personal data & money transferes it's not a problem if it's buggy.. but if I'm paying for it & it messes some money transactions or reveal my data then yeah, I'd become the Karen of bad reviews..
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    @sladuled no money transfers or personal data involved. notifications dont get received sometimes when someone sends u something etc. it consumes too much phone power than it should. there might be a memory leak that causes the app to crash but once in 300 times. listview is supposed to be sorted by the latest but it is sorted by alphanumerical order of the items that it displays. etc. small shit like that. it is completely usable but i dont know if people would turn those small bugs into big problems
    @beleg @dontPanic @beleg @Jilano @zer02 @jAsE
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    These are all could be fixed, if you have a plan to fix them. Then of course publish it, and then fix them in the next versions. But if you don't have any plan for next versions, I don't know, maybe you can at least inform the users.
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    @SukMikeHok You described PoGo issues.. o.O so yeah, I don't think it would be a problem much, especially if you know how you can solve problems and if you let people know of them and that you plan to fix them in future release(es).. but that's just my opinion..
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    Just do it ones and for all, may be the striking point in your portfolio
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    It has bugs & everything works fine
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    My app only has one function.
    Been gaining 1€ month with it :p
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    >should one do something just because someone somewhere has done worse?

    No, you are right.
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    I'd say most people don't really care about, or notice, bugs if they don't affect the user experience in a jarring way. Unfortunately, it sounds like yours does if it sorts in a strange order sometimes.

    This could be seen as a useless app by somebody when that bug happens to them if that makes their experience too painful. It won't make them come back to your app. Think about the 3 second rule of websites but with ease of use rather than design. People would rather look for an easier alternative than push through pain.

    It really comes down to what your bugs are and how they affect users.
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