Just got a merge request to review. It's TERRIBLE

- 93 changes
- 23 commits
- includes multiple features
- includes new project configs
- includes refactoring

NO. Please don't do that.

Do smaller commits. One feature per MR. It will help you and the reviewer :D

  • 5
    while true; do git commit -am "something changed"; sleep 1; done
  • 3
    Oh I see bigger pull requests daily. I strongly agree that it should be limited to 1 and 1 feature only but they can get really big as some features might require a lot of changes.
  • 2
    @CodeMasterAlex well, branches are there just for that reason. I to happen to build up lots of small commits.
  • 1
  • 0
    I have to do that all the time since our features are branched off master. I must commit a complete feature, else some incomplete matters suddenly go to production 😐
  • 1
    I get these kind of merge requests all the time at work. It's hell...
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