I'm in 3rd year of my CS degree....
Fucking Indian Education System

I'm having a subject css(cryptography & system security)... The bitch who teaches us doesn't know shit.... She just picks random words from the ppt & blabber random bullshit...

Last week we had our unit tests...and the question was explain Working of deffie-helman. Just because I didn't use the names Alice & Bob in the example she didn't gave me marks....I mean wtf..that was just an example mentioned in the slides.....

I bet it wasn't required at all...
I knew most of the things they teach here..
These mofo professors have just a CS degree and they are here to teach the same course....

  • 3
    Infect college pc with ransomwares... Take a revenge
  • 3
    Ahh. Relatable. I had a similar prof for the same subject.

    Just ignore to the best of your ability. Not worth wasting your time raging about it. Study on your own.
  • 5
    It's the same everywhere, lol.
  • 0
    Same Here bro.....unfortunately enjoying the same system
  • 2
    Record it, youtube it, get them to face criticism
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    Calling somebody a "bitch" for doing only his/her job is really disrespectful.
  • 1
    I had one of these "don't know anything teachers", and we just decided to confront her, one of my friends actually asked "in the exam, should we use the real formulas from the book or the random stuff you gave us? which will you consider correct?" and then she quitted and bought us chocolate.
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    @jjimenez this went from coooool to r/thathappened real quick 😅
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    @ceee haha totally! At first we didn't know what to do because she had a history of not letting students pass the subject, so we actually went to talk to the principal and she said "we do know about her lack of capabilities, but we can't actually fire her until the students formally complain" and that's how we found out that all these years the students had been failing the subject for no reason and could have done it before, so when we confronted her telling her that we would report her if she didn't make it better, she decided to quit instead before getting fired.
    And she was eating chocolate that day, do she felt so guilty that shared it with us.
  • 1
    @jjimenez haha! this is more believable.
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