Php suxx asss. I`m at my second php dev job and I recommend all newcomers to stay away. Both projects were full of shiat developed by people with no technical background before. The current project I work on is just a bunch of nested if else like 10-15 blocks and after you finish booom there s another block of ifs . The fucking code looks like a wave. There were also some files named like file1.. file15 . Fml

  • 2
    Not just php, the .net devs here are also crap
  • 5
    Php itself is fine, it's the devs that suck. Specially webdevs by trade that never bothered about standards or code quality
  • 3
    Anything written in anything is shit when management want to build it cheaply and or don't want to listen to their developers about what language/frameworks are best suited for the job required and future features and requirements
  • 7
    All code sucks if dumb people write it.
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