
New job is paying me to study and get certs. I mean alright.

  • 6
    They're investing in you. Nice. That means they intend to keep you for a while.
  • 1
    What certs you study for?
  • 1
    @jeeper : and what certifications??
  • 2
    That's what proper companies usually do
  • 2
    Why u need cents dude
  • 1
    @growling mine is but a couple inches but smells like a foot
  • 2
    @ynnk @swappy currently Comptia Security+ is the focus, even though it’s not super relevant. Next will probably be some MS certs.
  • 1
    @electrineer I’ve usually seen where they pay for the certs but not give you actual company time (like for multiple days) to study.
  • 0
    @growling turns out this was a great question. At this job I ended up being Scrum Master, Software Engineering Manger, Product Manger, Senior Software Engineer, and Cyber Security Engineer all in one!

    My next job worked on way more sensitive information and didn’t require security certs, because it was run by sane people with a structure and departments.
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