
While I appreciate the effort, gdpr has some very stupid parts which clearly show that it wasn't properly discussed with experts.
For example: Information that somebody had received can never be reliably deleted, any attempt to do so will only make people use alternative clients. The only part of the service that I control is the server, especially in open source, and if people accept that others will see their data, it cannot be "unseen". I can delete it from my side so no one else will receive it _from me,_ but please don't make laws that enforce me to write client features no one wants because anyone familiar with the market knows that this will simply produce an alternative.

  • 1
    My least favourite part of it was the fact that forcing companies to display a big red NO button apparently wasn't part of the legislation
  • 0
    @inaba It depends how you read the gpdr. It might be necessary or not. The E-Privacy directive will clarify that.
  • 0
    I didn't know about that requirement, can you please tell me where to find this information in the gpdr?
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