
Most definitely not dev related..

Guitar tabs that contain arrangements for +5 guitars on a band with just a rythm and lead guitar are fucking annoying.

Fucking hate having to piece the fucking melody by myself. And yes. I DON'T neeed the fucking tabs since I can figure the song by ear, its just that doing it like that takes way too much fucking time.

Getting fucking bored of playing the guitar tho. Been doing it since I was very young and never really liked it. Always wanted violin and then bass.

Have been looking at a nice fender precision bass. Made in Mexico so not really expensive, sounds equally as good and is going for a good $650 bucks plus the amp.

No lie, i am way too interested on getting me that bass already. Have been learning Roundabout by Yes(because I am a progressive rock fan AND a Jojo fan) and practicing with a friends bass whenever I get the chance.

If you already play guitar and you are good with guitar then picking up the bass takes some adjustment, but it's still not as heavy as going at it with no musical training.

Man I just want a bass so bad. I am just so cheap at spending money.

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    Man I used to want a Les Paul when I was in middle school. My parents got me a generic ass guitar and I barely used it.

    I guess they called out my bullshit when I said I'd play it seriously lol
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    @Stuxnet i feel you. I always wanted one too. Ended up getting a custom made Ibanez RG which was just as expensive and still my main. I do ha e a fuckload of guitars, but they were never my main instrument. There are just sooooo many parts of songs that I just don't want to play. I always felt that I just don't really love it or have a passion for it since I can't enjoy everything
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    @AleCx04 I always wanted to learn to play, but as time moved on, I lost interest.

    I'm thinking about trying to get into DJing some for the fun of it. But that's an expensive hobby lol
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    In 1979 I was attending Western Washington University and living off campus. My landlord wanted to sell me his guitar for $150.00, a lot of $ back then for me. Thing is, the guitar sounded like a dulcimer at times and blended with my singing voice beautifully. I made some cassette recordings just to listen to them. I never bought the guitar. Now, laddie, you get yer arse offa devrant and go buy that fucking bass. STAT!
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    I would recommend a Squier '60s Jazz Bass (not actually from the '60s, just an imitation of some of the details) if you don't want to spend too much, it's cheaper than the Mexican or American versions (at least here) and is a very, very solid instrument. Indonesian-made, not Chinese.

    I know because I have one, it's my main instrument :)
    Had it for about 6 years now, haven't felt like making any major changes. It just works and works really well. I've played the Mexican and American versions too, not that different imho. Also I think there's a similar model for P basses, not a big fan of P so wouldn't know for sure but yeah.

    Though if I had the money I would go for that Geddy Lee signature bass, it looks and feels so so sweet..

    Also ++ for Yes.
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    Play the harp instead. 😊
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    @bols59 ahhh shit man, might as well go to the store and get it as well. The more i think about it just means that i am going to let more time go by and I don't want that. I really want to get going with it now!
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    @M1sf3t not really interested in either of those pages. What do they have to do with not wanting to play an instrument anymore? I might be missing something in here
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    @Root I don't like the sound of the harp :/ it puts me to sleep!
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    @Root I don't like the sound of the harp :/ it puts me to sleep!
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    @RememberMe Jass basses are absolutely beautiful. I am not too concerned about the price, I know I will stick to it for a long time, took me damn near 15 years to get tired of guitar after all! So spending a little extra to ensure better quality makes absolute sense.

    I would love a Squier Bass. One of my first electric guitars was a Squier Stratocaster, so it will sit well with tradition! Thanks for the advice man!
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    @M1sf3t well now that Is an instrument i had not considered!
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    @RantSomeWhere you know it bro!
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