What are good practices to avoid getting a merge conflict?

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    Among others or just your branch?
  • 6
    Proper communication with the team and always do a git fetch then create new temporary branch then do the git pull there. Also check commits and changes in the online github or Bitbucket
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    @devTea Just my branch.
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    @oreru so we are doing a small application for a school's project. I was the only one who was working on it till 2 days ago, my friend starts working on it and we usually code at the same time and on the same file so we keep getting conflicts. I want to know if theres anyway to avoid that as much as possible.
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    1. Pull
    2. Push
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    Pull again
    Push again

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    Don’t edit the same document at the same line (and the line above and below).
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    Don't use version control. |m|
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    Short answer: Open-close principle.

    Code should be design so changes to existing code made by adding/removing classes as a whole, instead of modifying existing one.

    Example: you have a service that writes messages into a queue. Now boss wants to change the code to write both to the queue and also a file.

    Bad code: you go and edit the service to write both to the queue and the file.

    Good code: ADD a new class (a decorator) that wraps existing service, with the ability to write to the file.


    You wont have merge conflicts if you always ADD instead of MODIFY the code.
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    Don’t merge
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