Yknow what the best part about Unix is? (Not Linux. Like old school Unix. AIX, HPUX, or in this specific case: Solaris)

It never needs to be updated. like ever. Even when new features are added 5 years ago to add features that GNU has had for literally decades. Updates are for the weak. Because why should I be able to type "netstat -natup" when instead you can enjoy several hours of developing the nightmare one-liner that is:

Pfiles /proc/* | awk '/^[0-9]/ {p=$0} /port/ {printf "%.4s %-30s %-8s %s\n", $1,$3,$5,p}' 2>/dev/null

Isn't that just so much more fun?!
Thanks guys. I'm going back to GNU now if you don't mind.

  • 16
    Former Solaris Admin here. I don't miss those days at all.
  • 7
    God. I’m so glad we’re running Linux. I keep hearing about AIX, Solaris, etc and thinking “fuck it I’m I stalling shit from source all day if I have to use those”
  • 4
    It's not the worst.. you could be using VMS...
  • 1
    When I'm in the mood to experience the brain damage that was early Unix (which linux has somewhat mitigated - not all short-sighted design decisions can be fixed without changing the design), I pull out my copy of the UNIX-HATERS Handbook. I get entertainment without the pain of direct exposure.
  • 1
    I used to administer Unix. I'm sorry to say that even though we had quarterly patching, we still had to write stupid shit like in the OP.
  • 1
    For a second there I thought you were being sarcastic.
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