This person is forcing me to pursue in asset based income, what should i do? Truly speaking i dont know what asset based income is.

  • 3
    U have assets and u have liabilities. When u spend on liabilities (shit u dont need and can't afford) u become poor. When u spend on assets (shit u dont need Right Now but Can afford and will thank urself in the next 2-3-4 years) are assets. Read the rich dad poor dad book.
  • 2
    Doesn't sound much like he a forcing you to do anything, am I missing something?
  • 1
    @j4cobgarby he is texting me further regarding this context, which is not in this screenshot.
  • 2
    You should read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" anyway.
    Regardless of this probably-weirdo.
  • 1
    @SukMikeHok @Root Ya definitely i will read that book.
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