How long does it take you guys to learn Node JS?

My professor wants me to work for him on a CRUD Server for a semester, I have some experience with JavaScript and API programming with Spring Boot. Should I take the offer and learn more about Node at home?

I think I will feel like an imposter if I take the offer if I don't have any previous experience in the stack

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    Does it have to be js?
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    @devTea I will have a talk with the professor. The current team works on JS but it would be much easier for me to use Java with Spring.

    But if I leave the team my java code would be difficult to be maintained (I assumed most of them are JS programmers)
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    Do it! Doesn’t make sense to turn down an opportunity to learn
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    @filvia-sederici that is my thought. If I turn down the chance I may regret. But meanwhile I am still very insecured :D
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    Gaining this experience might make u feel more secure/self confident. If the prof offered this position to you, it means they believe in you.

    It seems like pretty much everyone in this field suffers from imposter syndrome, so ur not alone! Don’t let it stand in the way of learning ❤️
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    I'm a designer and suck at coding but i think using node is easy. Invest two hours and you know everything you need to know to start. Essential webdev tools like live reload server, gulp task runner, webpack wouldn't run without node. And for the server stuff with routing and so on there is https://expressjs.com/ and/or https://sailsjs.com/

    and node is also usable for robotics and iot.
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    If you want a more Java like experience with nodejs maybe look into https://nestjs.com
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    Hardly a day if you already know Js and api concepts. You can find tons of resources online for learning.
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    The point of node is to get things up and going fairly quickly. Shouldn’t be too hard to get started.
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    You will be fine, go for it
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